
… and welcome!  😀

I’m Jane or huhwn. I’m a professional artist from Germany and love to paint, draw, handletter, design and illustrate.
Beside being creative I’m a passionate gamer as well and currently working on a cute Indie-Game with some friends, called „A Garden Witch’s Life“.

Feel free to take a look at recent projects and past work down below. ^__^

Please note: this site is still under construction, more works will follow soon! :3

Nature <3

Since 2012 all my digital works are created using green electricity.

> Support

If you want to support me, you can do so here. <3

Get in touch

Places where you can find me. ♡





11 + 13 =

art & lettering

powered by nature ³


Hi, I’m Jane!
I’m an artist from Germany and love to paint, draw, letter, design and illustrate.